The Science of Nutrition, 5th Edition

Overview: The Science of Nutrition, 5th Edition - PDF Download

The Science of Nutrition, 5th Edition by Janice Thompson, Melinda Manore, Linda A. Vaughan (Masteringhealth)
Requirements: .PDF reader, 149 mb
Overview: For introductory Nutrition courses for Majors.

Move students beyond memorization with a functional approach to nutrition The Science of Nutrition helps students master tough nutrition concepts while providing rich support to save instructors time. This best-selling, thoroughly current, research-based nutrition text is uniquely organized around the highly regarded functional approach, which organizes vitamins and minerals based on their functions within the body and is easily seen in the organization of the micronutrient (vitamin and mineral) chapters.

The 5th Edition includes the most up-to-date scientific research in the field of nutrition, an increased emphasis on nutrition and disease content, and new icons in the margins directing students to Oregon State University’s The text covers key concepts in nutrition with new and updated Focus Figures; updated Nutri-Case case studies; and Nutrition Concept Videos, which feature author Janice Thompson explaining difficult course concepts.

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