Railways of Britain – On Shed. The A to Z of BR Diesel Depots and Principal Stabling Points 2023

This special issue of Railways of Britain takes readers inside the normally restricted engine sheds that have powered British rail transport for over a century. Journey across regions and eras to explore these temples of steam and industry. Discover what makes the terminating stations at Kings Cross, Crewe and Inverness unique. Glimpse preserved powerhouses like the Great Western Railway’s Swindon Works in their heyday. Step through narrow gauge sheds on Welsh hillsides and ponder the giant electric locomotive servicing bays of modern times. Dramatic imagery transports home the exhilarating sights, sounds and smells of these essential rail cradles which birthed iconic trains that traversed landscapes near and far. Railways of Britain – On Shed salutes the engineering triumphs still inspiring rail fans today.

Railways of Britain – On Shed. The A to Z of BR Diesel Depots and Principal Stabling Points 2023
English | 112 pages | PDF | 125.4 MB


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