Psychology, 14th edition by Carole Wade, Carol Tavris, Samuel Sommers, Lisa Shin

Overview: Psychology, 14th edition by Carole Wade, Carol Tavris, Samuel Sommers, Lisa Shin - PDF Download

Psychology, 14th edition by Carole Wade, Carol Tavris, Samuel Sommers, Lisa Shin
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 37 mb
Overview: Psychology presents an inclusive introduction to psychological science that emphasizes critical thinking and human diversity. The authors integrate modern pop culture references and coverage of real-world events throughout the text, making the study of psychology more accessible and relatable. The text helps readers learn to think like psychologists, and shows why scientific and critical thinking is so important to the decisions we make in our own lives.

The 14th Edition offers updated coverage of contemporary topics such as the prevalence and impact of sleep loss. New Revisiting the Classics features examine well-known studies from classic psychology. And new Replication Check features highlight noteworthy research findings.

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