All About History – Story of World War II, 11th Edition, 2023

Overview: World War II left an indelible mark on almost every corner of the globe and millions of people on it. In the All About History Story of World War II, you’ll discover how the hostilities had their roots in the rise of fascism across Italy and Germany and how this toxic ideology positioned itself as a bastion against the threat of communism in the Soviet Union and Asia. You’ll also explore how Japan’s fear of this rising red tide, its thirst for modernity and need for a position on the world stage drove it to annex swathes of territory and pick a fight with the world’s first superpowers. Next you will discover how the resulting massive and multistranded conflict inspired technical innovations, new and often underhanded tactics and some of the world’s bloodiest ever battles in a war that revolutionised what combat meant to the military, the political establishment and civilians. Finally, learn how the fallout from the 20th century’s darkest chapter still drives conflict around the world today.

All About History – Story of World War II, 11th Edition, 2023
Requirements: .PDF reader, 136.8 MB

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